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Spiritual Growth

Meditation is a very special method of praying. Prayer is bringing your mind, soul and spirit to God’s presence, to God Almighty himself. In a regular prayer, you use words to articulate your thoughts (out loud or silently). But when you meditate, instead of using your voice, you use your imagination – thoughts inside your mind. There is also different, not well know, but extremely powerful Spoken Meditation, which I prefer the most due to amazing results. 

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Holy Labours: A Spiritual Calendar of Everyday Work - Feb 16, 2022

Director (s): 

Simone Brosig


Want to enrich your spiritual life but can’t squeeze more into your busy schedule? This series invites you to explore how your daily labour already connects to the liturgy.

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ONLINE Dreamwork Evenings - Images of Soul and Spirit - Feb. 17, 2022

Exploring the Inner Masculine/Feminine

Director (s): 

Sr. Ita Connery, FCJ


Every dream, rising out of the unconscious soul, is a voice of God coming to us from the deep centre where we are ever living in the Sacred Presence of our Creator. Like Jacob in Genesis 21, we can say each time we awake from a dream, “Truly God is in this place.. This is nothing less that a house of God, this is the gate of heaven.” Such is our approach to the dream. It is a tool among many others to help us hear what God might be saying in any given situation. Come to be amazed at the beauty and wisdom of your own soul and to receive tools to help you amplify your dreams.

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Heart of the Cosmos - Afternoon Series - March 2022

Re-enchantment with the Earth (Afternoon Series)

Director (s): 

Sr. Ita Connery, FCJ


In the spirit of “widening our circle” we will deepen our awareness of our dependence on our “Common Home” exploring themes on eco-spirituality from Pope Francis, Teilhard and others.

Through reflection, prayer and conversation around themes from the writings of Pope Francis, Teilhard De Chardin and others, we will deepen our awareness of our dependence on our “Common Home” explore the challenge to live more cosmologically and deepen our spiritual and material connection with our amazing universe .

“We have forgotten that we ourselves are dust of the earth; our very bodies are made up of her elements, we breathe her air and we receive life and refreshment from her waters.”

(Laudato Si’ - Pope Francis)

Program runs 4 Mondays: March 7, 14, 21 and 28

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