Labyrinth Walk
The Labyrinth Walk is an ancient practice that provides time to walk and reflect on life.
This prayerful walk is an excellent time to enjoy the beautiful grounds of the FCJ Centre and to take time
to reflect on your relationship with God and on God's loving care of you!
Our labyrinth services include the facilitation of group and individual walks; general presentation and workshops on labyrinth history and uses; and the integration of the labyrinth experience into retreats, conferences, and special events.
If you would like to experience the labyrinth, please call (403) 228-4215, or EMAIL.
Labyrinths have been around for thousands of years. They were incorporated into the Christian religion as early as the fourth century and became part of Catholic practice. Labyrinths were laid into the floors of the great Catholic cathedrals throughout Europe. In fact, the most famous labyrinth in the world is located in Chartres Cathedral in France.
Today, Christians are rediscovering the labyrinth, as are people of many religions. Because all spiritual traditions speak of life as journey, the labyrinth transcends all creeds and beliefs. It is a gift to all religions.
In our frantic and fragmented culture, people are searching for the sacred and for authentic spirituality. The labyrinth walk enables us to move beyond the external disorders of our society, which disconnects us from the riches of our interior life.
By turning our attention inward, we get access to our wisdom, our intuition and our inner sources of guidance. These provide us with invaluable insight into vital questions about our work, health, relationships and spirituality.
The Labyrinth Walk is a simple, physical activity - a walking meditation, a form of body prayer. In the labyrinth, one experiences one's body as a vehicle of the sacred.
The FCJ Centre's Labyrinth is modelled after the Cretan labyrinth, one of the oldest on record. It was designed and built in 2002 by Sr. Ita Connery, fcJ.
To walk the labyrinth, one simple enters from the south and follows the path to the Centre, with the return journey reversed. Some people make a particular intention as they begin and remain quietly in the Centre for a time before returning.
"The distinction between a labyrinth and a maze is that a maze has dead ends, and you have to keep working with your linear mind. The theory is that the labyrinth brings such a peace and calm because you can let go of your problem-solving, linear mind. The only decision you need to make is whether or not you actually enter in, but once you have taken that first step, you simply put one foot in front of the other and the path will lead you." Brad Evenson, National Post, June 28, 2001.