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Pray for Ukraine

In solidarity with the Head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, in unison with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, with the people of Ukraine as well as with Canadians of Ukrainian origin and descent, we at the FCJ Centre will to pray for the imminent restoration of peace, dialogue, and human fraternity. #PrayforUkraine

Prayer for Ukraine

God of infinite mercy and goodness, with grateful hearts we pray to you today for Peace. You offer us your peace continually (Jn.14:27) and constantly remind us that peacemakers are blessed, “for they shall be called children of God” (Mt.5:9). May your voice resound in the hearts of all, as you call us to follow the path of reconciliation and peace, and to be merciful as you are merciful.

We pray to you for the people of the Ukraine who are experiencing conflicts and deaths. Bless the leaders with wisdom, vision and perseverance needed to build together a world of justice and solidarity, and to break down walls of hostility and division.

To you we entrust all families and pray that they may never yield to discouragement and despair, but become heralds of new hope to one another in this challenging time.

May you continue to inspire all of us to oneness of heart and mind, to work generously for the common good, to respect the dignity of every person and the fundamental rights which have their origin in the image and likeness of God impressed upon every human being.

Grant eternal rest to the dead and quick recovery to the wounded, we pray through Christ our Lord, Amen!

Adapted from: Pope JPII’s Prayer for Peace

Prayer of the Faithful:

· For all those in turmoil, especially in Ukraine, may they experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit in their suffering, and may the path of justice pave the way to peace and security; let us pray to the Lord...


  • CCCB Statement on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Feb 24) EN | FR

  • Pope Francis announced today that Ash Wednesday (March 2) will be a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Ukraine. "I encourage believers in a special way to dedicate themselves intensely to prayer and fasting on that day. May the Queen of Peace preserve the world from the madness of war,” he said. Read more | Download Day of Prayer graphic

  • Prayer is the real revolution that changes the world because it changes hearts. We have few resources against war, without bearing direct responsibility for them, the devil foments them with hatred, cunning, wickedness. This kind of demon, Jesus says, “never comes out except by prayer and fasting.” (S. Centofanti, Vatican News).

  • “As believers, we do not lose hope for a glimmer of conscience on the part of those who hold in their hands the fortunes of the world. And we continue to pray and fast — as we shall do this coming Ash Wednesday (March 2) — for peace in Ukraine and in the entire world. (Cardinal Pietro Parolin for Vatican News)” – Full message here

  • Major Archbishop Shevchuk (Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church) is calling for international solidarity with Ukraine (Feb 22)

  • A Litany for Ukraine

  • Tweets from Pope Francis @pontifex - Day of fasting & prayer for Ukraine - Appeal for peace

Source: Calgary Diocese


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