The Retreat Experience
A retreat is an important part of our spiritual formation. It is a time to draw back from our routine and get refreshed and revitalized. Retreats allow you to spend more time in prayer and contemplation for rekindling and deepening your relationship with God. At the FCJ Centre, we have a broad list of retreats, in-person or online, all year round.

HYBRID Take a Break - Directed Silent Retreat, Feb. 25, 2022
Director (s):
Sr. Ann Marie Walsh, FCJ
The Take a Break Weekend Retreat provides you time to experience a personally directed prayer experience designed to deepen your relationship with God. In this silent retreat, taking time for silent prayer and reflection, listening for God’s personal word spoken through the Sacred Scriptures, in nature, or in the silence you will find a newness in your relationship with God! A daily meeting with a Spiritual Director supports you in appreciating your experience and provides supportive prayer ideas.
This program will be available both in person and online

Lenten 8-Day Retreat: Pause your Lenten Journey- Mar. 4, 2022
Director (s):
Sr. Ann Marie Walsh, FCJ
Lent is a time when we are invited to step back a little and ponder on the wonder of God’s great love and consider how we can return love for love! You can plan to make either the weekend retreat or extend the days to give you ample time for this retreat journey. This silent retreat provides time for reflection and prayer in our inspiring chapel, on our beautiful grounds or in your comfortable, private room. You can also walk the FCJ Centre’s labyrinth or enjoy a stroll in the nearby park. The retreat is based on the principles of Ignatian Spirituality. An experienced Spiritual Director, with whom you will meet daily, will accompany you, offering guidance on prayer and supporting you as you reflect on your own retreat and life experiences and continue to discover how God truly is in all things. The Retreat begins with a 7:00pm. Friday Evening Group Opening Prayer

Lenten Weekend Retreat: Pause your Lenten Journey- Mar. 4, 2022
Director (s):
Sr. Ann Marie Walsh, FCJ
Lent is a time when we are invited to step back a little and ponder on the wonder of God’s great love and consider how we can return love for love! You can plan to make either the weekend retreat or extend the days to give you ample time for this retreat journey. This silent retreat provides time for reflection and prayer in our inspiring chapel, on our beautiful grounds or in your comfortable, private room. You can also walk the FCJ Centre’s labyrinth or enjoy a stroll in the nearby park. The retreat is based on the principles of Ignatian Spirituality. An experienced Spiritual Director, with whom you will meet daily, will accompany you, offering guidance on prayer and supporting you as you reflect on your own retreat and life experiences and continue to discover how God truly is in all things. The Retreat begins with a 7:00pm. Friday Evening Group Opening Prayer and concludes with a Group Closing Prayer on Sunday at 1pm.

Lenten 6-Day Retreat: Pause your Lenten Journey- Mar. 4, 2022
Director (s):
Sr. Ann Marie Walsh, FCJ
Lent is a time when we are invited to step back a little and ponder on the wonder of God’s great love and consider how we can return love for love! You can plan to make either the weekend retreat or extend the days to give you ample time for this retreat journey. This silent retreat provides time for reflection and prayer in our inspiring chapel, on our beautiful grounds or in your comfortable, private room. You can also walk the FCJ Centre’s labyrinth or enjoy a stroll in the nearby park. The retreat is based on the principles of Ignatian Spirituality. An experienced Spiritual Director, with whom you will meet daily, will accompany you, offering guidance on prayer and supporting you as you reflect on your own retreat and life experiences and continue to discover how God truly is in all things. The Retreat begins with a 7:00pm. Friday Evening Group Opening Prayer

New Mom’s Respite (Afternoon Series) - Feb. 5, 2022
Navigating Change and Building Resilience
Director (s):
Sr. Ger Curran, FCJ, and Suzanne Clease
Moms who gave birth during the pandemic experienced unusual and unpredictable stresses due to isolation, and lack of social support. Dreams of creating a social network for their baby and themselves while on a maternity leave suddenly evaporated. This program aims to build resilience and fosters community. Mom’s will have an opportunity to explore new ways of coping and to re-imagine a way forward.
These 3-hour afternoon sessions will occur 3 times during the year and will include tea, treats conversation and creative expression. Each session is independent, and participants can sign up for one or all 3.

Dealing with Personal Loss - March 2022
Courageously Embracing Change and Transitions
Director (s):
Sr. Ger Curran, FCJ, and Suzanne Clease
We have experienced many losses. Many of us are facing change due to loss: employment, freedom, plans and relationships. During the weekend retreat a variety of creative processes will be used to understand this grief and its impact on us and our relationships.